Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Canada: Part 2

“I have found out that there ain't no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.” -Mark Twain

Amy could have very well hated me after our excursion at Grand Portage. She could have very well hated me after I became despondent over our shotty hotel room (beware the Prince Arthur Hotel). She could have super hated me after I left her laptop on the roof of the car for 12 blocks. She was a trooper though handling my moods with a grain of salt and my irresponsibility with laughter. (Perhaps watching your friend get pooped on through a car window is a little bit of a consolation... and karma. Damn karma.)

The hikes were good. One hike was great. Grand Portage could have been skipped due to the torrential down pour we were struck with. Sleeping Giant Provincial Park was phenomenal even though we had to endure a 12 mile hike with an 8 mile bike. Kakabeka Falls led us to one of the most beautiful waterfalls I've ever had the privilege of photographing.

Our trip? Yeah. It was amazing. The laughter, the sights, and the memories made up a trip that will surely get better as it marinates in time.

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