Monday, October 19, 2009

I usually don't do people: Ruttger's Oktoberfest '09

You may have heard of this little thing that Ruttger's does called Oktoberfest. In short, it's not a little thing. Oktoberfest is a three day celebration complete with more food than you can shake a stick at, over 150 vendors, and lots of beer and polka.

I'm not going to lie-- I had a sweet job this year. My mission: take pictures. Though I'm still not certain that I captured what the administration was looking for, I did have a ton of fun doing it. I struggle with having people pose, so I avoided that as much as possible. I can confidently say that out of around 700 pictures, at least 20 of them might be useable. It's a good thing that's not my batting average...

The food was phenomenal. A Terry Dox buffet comes highly recommended.

A vendor's apples tempted me...

Many talented people came to entertain young and old.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome! We loved your pictures and will definitely be using them!